

shop our bestsellers

our bestselling handmade artisanal home decor and accessories collection features unique and one-of-a-kind pieces crafted by skilled artisans. this collection includes metal bowls, metal trays, hurricane candle holders, flatware sets, ceramic vases, stone objects, seagrass vessels, handwoven pillow covers, handwoven throw blankets, and scented soy candles.

elevate your dining experience with our caicos decorative metal bowl collection, trays, and flatware sets, perfect for entertaining guests. our hurricane candle holders will create a warm and inviting atmosphere, while our ceramic vases and stone objects are perfect for adding a pop of color to any space.

display your favorite items in style with our versatile palk bay seagrass vessels, and add texture to your living space with our handwoven pillow covers and throw blankets. our scented soy candles, made with all-natural ingredients, are perfect for relaxing and unwinding after a long day.

shop our bestselling handmade artisanal home decor and accessories collection now and discover the beauty of artisanal craftsmanship in your home!